Sunday, January 26, 2014

Guess Who...?

No one can deny that that 2013 was a year of changes and events for family members.  Certainly among these are Maura’s encounter with cancer, Lindsey’s passing her nursing examines and beginning work in a hospital ER, and Pat & Rita’s addition to their house and temporary relocation were among them. Nevertheless, there are many, mostly smaller events, that happened to family members, too.  I written down some “Guess who?” to test your family connection IQ. If you get 8-10 right, you really keep up with the family. If you get 3 or less right you were just lucky.  (Of course, it is possible that some of these answers may need to be changed.  If you have added information – make your comments.)

Guess who...?

  1. Ran naked on the beach? 
  1. Had to evacuate their house? 
  1. Rode a horse for the first time? 
4.                4. Worked with professional foot ball players?

  1. Had a raccoon in their house? 
  1. Was on a plane hit by lightning? 
  1. Dressed up like Michael Jordan? 
     8.  Got a new dog?

  1. Bought their own boat?
  2.   Has their middle name spelled wrong on their birth certificate?

Check out the answers below to see how you did.

1. No one went to a nude beach. It was Owen at Sea Isle City, NJ this summer.
As tempted as I am to post  pictures, I think I will save them as blackmail for when he is a teenager.

2. Ed and Carmen.  This was no joke.   The large fire on in the vallwy where they lived made the national news. Though Hailey residents were asked to evacuate overnight and Carmen did, as an ex-fire fighter, Ed stayed behind to help as the fire approached their town.

3. The answer is Dan.  After some post ponements, Maura and Dan made it to the cowboy town of Winthrop in east Washington state.  It was Dan's first time on on a horse. But I also learned that Maura had taken horseback riding in college - a fact I did not know.

4.  Eli.  He has been involved with work for the United Way in Baltimore. There was a day when inner city kids were invited to a training camp with wide receivers from of the Baltimore Ravens.  Eli was there as a representative of his firm. (Perhaps the Ravens should have recruited some of those kids.)

5. One might think this was Ed but he was the one with a moose in his yard.  The real answer is Maura and Dan again.  Kitty spotted the raccoon - it wasn't pretty.

6. Triple answer here. Maya, Lora and Mike.  They were on a plane flying out to Las Vegas during some potentially turbulent whether when they felt - depending upon who is telling the story - either a slight bump or a near explosion.  No damage was done.

7. Andrew.  Andrew's school has a "Wax Museum" in which each year student picks a person that they admire to study, dress up like and then give a speech about when visitors come up and activate them by touching their hand. Anrew picked Michael Jordan.

8. Andrew wanted a dog, Maya inherited a dog, and Melissa, sadly, lost her dog of many years, but it was Amelia who got the new dog.  She named it Poppy. Deja vu.

9. Judi and Pat. They have an RV parked down near the boat so that now they can just go down river on the boat to visit Brandi, rather than drive.  I guess in some cases retirement and fishing really do go together.

10. Elvera Northen.  Kind of a trick question, I know, but I sent for my parents' birth certificates this year and when I got Mom's her middle name is spelled "Cathrine" rather than "Catherine." Bonus question - do you know who has no middle name on their birth certificate?


Maya Northen Augelli said...

That was fun! Got 7 out of 10 right.

EMMLP said...

Maya pointed out and Maura confirmed that question #5 was "a stupid Internet game" and did not actually happen, so if you missed that one give yourself credit for the answer.Should have made the question, "Who had a moose in their yard?"