Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Easiest Family History Quiz Ever

1.   James Northen was born in ___________.
(a) Washington, D. C. ,  (b) Virginia,  (c) North Carolina,  (d) California

2. Elvera Northen was born in  ___________.
(a) Iowa,  (b) California,  (c) Virginia,  (d) South Dakota

3. In James E. Northen’s name, the E. stands for ___________.
(a) Evans,  (b) Edward,  (c) Elvis,  (d) Ernest

4.  Everyone knows that Elvera Northen hated her first name, but what was her middle name ____________.
(a) Ann,  (b) Catherine,  (c) Lucille,  (d) Odelia

5. What branch of the military was James Northen in?
(a) Army,  (b) Marines, (c) Air Force, (d) Navy

6. What was Elvera Northen’s last name at birth?
(a) Lewis,  (b) Sitzman, (c) Wilkins,  (d) Ryman

7.  Most of Elvera Northen’s ancestors came from __________
(a) England, (b) Switzerland, (c) Ireland, (d) Germany

8. What famous World War II event did James Northen witness?
(a) the bombing of Pearl Harbor
(b) the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima
(c ) the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima
(d) the Normandy D-day invasion

9.  What was the occupation of most of Elvera Northen’s ancestors?
(a) sharecroppers, (b) coal miners, (c) farmers, (d) soldiers

10.  For generations, Northen family men have been plagued by _________
(a) obesity,  (b) poverty, (c) pre-mature baldness, (d) alcoholism

Answers below.


1.  b
2. d
3. b
4. b
5. d
6. c
7. d
8. a
9. c
10. d

If you got 9-10 correct, you are ready for something tougher. If you got less than 6 correct, you don’t know a lot about the family yet.  Maybe reading the Northen History blog would help.

1 comment:

Maya Northen Augelli said...

100%! Felt good until I read the title of the post. Though I admittedly don't really know the difference between sharecroppers and farmers.